BCT Software Portfolio
Value-adding Tools
for Siemens Digital Industries Software product portfolio
Stay on top with BCT Add-Ons
BCT is a specialist for software solutions and services in area of digital process chain. With focus on computer-aided design (CAD) and PLM BCT is a long-standing Siemens Digital Industries Software development and platinum sales partner. BCT is recognized by Siemens for its specializations in Germany for NX, Teamcenter and Polarion. Additionally, BCT develops pragmatic and value added add-on software for the Siemens portfolio sold worldwide by Siemens and its partners.
BCT provides powerful solutions in the following categories:
BCT Engineering Package
Management system to manage parts and features and to facilitate re-use in product development within NX
The BCT Engineering Package provides designers with a comprehensive starter package of the most common standard and catalog parts as well as their corresponding design features. The in NX CAD-integrated management system allows finding existing company specific design elements and facilitates standardization in product development. It can be used in native CAD or integrated with PLM environments.

BCT aClass
Classification system for the structured storage and re-use of product data within Teamcenter
Finding and reusing product knowledge and data in the development
process, as part of a standardization strategy, is becoming more and more important in product development and manufacturing. Within standardization an intelligent classification system is a top priority. BCT aClass is the most efficient and flexible classification solution for the Teamcenter environment, based on Teamcenter Classification. A direct CAD integration is provided for NX and Solid Edge from Siemens Digital Industries Software. BCT aClass supports managing, searching, and using engineering objects, documents or any other information that is part of the product lifecycle. It has been proven that using BCT aClass provides a clear savings of time, money and effort when it comes to reusing existing engineering objects and avoiding the creation of either redundant or unnecessary new objects.

BCT Inspector
BCT Inspector identifies, labels and extracts (critical) design characteristics, giving them unique characteristic identifiers over the entire lifecycle of the part.
BCT Inspector facilitates the extraction of valuable knowledge from virtual product development. Thanks to the integration with PLM, this can be made available company-wide and integrated directly into the quality management processes.
The integration of the BCT Inspector data with the quality management solution Teamcenter Quality as well as Opcenter Quality from Siemens Digital Industries Software represents an ideal complement. This results in a holistic solution that integrates quality management throughout the company's processes and exploits the optimization potential: Development processes can be accelerated and teamwork optimized.

BCT CheckIt
Data validation for Teamcenter
BCT CheckIt allows a simple and user-friendly validation of data in Teamcenter. The goal is an early identification of data and consistency errors to increase data and process quality in the company. Using 'No-code' functionality, rules can be defined in a very simple way.

BCT 3D-Raster
Transferring raster drawings into the digital process
BCT 3D-Raster integrates 2D paper or electronic data (e.g. TIFF, PDF, HPGL, legacy CAD etc.) into NX and Teamcenter, where the software allows the data to be stored and edited without having to spend any additional effort to migrate the data into a vector format. By doing this a single standardized process can be established that also includes this raster data. This process provides easy access to this data and makes it possible to edit and add to the drawings without having to recreate them. Having the data in the same tools and processes means that it will allow the migration of legacy systems and provide a single go forward approach supporting a completely digital workflow.

BCT EasyPlot
Automated demand driven document output
Despite the digital world of today, on demand printing or processing of documents and drawings for further use in the company and throughout the supply chain is still often required.
BCT EasyPlot, completely integrated into Teamcenter and its data structures, enables an easy and comfortable access to all documents saved in Teamcenter as well as further processing, e.g. viewing, printing, export, mailing of single drawings of an item or even complete assembly structures.

BCT TechDoc
Generate interactive spare part catalogs out of Teamcenter at the push of a button
BCT TechDoc uses existing product information in Teamcenter and automatically generates the framework of a spare part catalog for a product or a complete product range. Tables and graphical elements for example drawings or 3D models of the spare parts that could be viewed with 3D PDF are automatically embedded in the catalog by BCT TechDoc.
Learn more about BCT TechDoc in our case studies from Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG and Bizerba.

BCT ME10-Manager
Module for the integration of OneSpace Designer Drafting/ME10 into Teamcenter
In order to support a controlled migration from OneSpace Designer Drafting ME10 to a new CAD system and Teamcenter the safest approach is to import this data into Teamcenter so that it is available for future use. The advantage is that all the data is in a single system and under a single development process. This capability removes many of the barriers for migrating the existing ME10 data that would typically slow down the implementation of a new CAD system.