AI Optimizer for ALM

Experience how the AI Workflow Optimizer intelligently and automatically improves your processes.


Willkommen beim AI Workflow Optimizer


 – Ihrer intelligenten Lösung für effizientere Arbeitsabläufe. Unsere Plattform bietet fortschrittliche Funktionen wie Workitem-Analyse und Verbesserungsvorschläge, automatische Testfallgenerierung und dynamische Dokumentation. Dank der nahtlosen Integration von Chatbot-Funktionen können Workitems mühelos über natürliche Spracheingaben erstellt werden.

Ihre Daten sind bei uns sicher. Wir setzen auf robuste Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und die ChatGPT-API speichert keine Kundendaten, sodass Sie die Vorteile der Automatisierung sorgenfrei nutzen können.


Less work, more coffee: automation made easy

In our hectic world, nobody has time for boring, time-consuming tasks - not even your coffee cup! Imagine if you could delegate all these routine tasks to a hard-working, invisible office elf. Sounds like magic? Almost! Our automation solution does it for you and turns tedious to-do lists into a foolproof walk in the park. Sit back, relax and let us do the work while you take care of the really important things - like extending your coffee break.

No AI Optimizer

With AI Optimizer

Work more efficiently

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is the key to success. Time-consuming tasks can cost companies and individuals valuable resources that could be better utilised for strategic initiatives.


Effortless Requirements Engineering: eine Revolution im Anforderungsmanagement

Use of AI to check quality, optimise and ensure precise, clear and verifiable requirements.

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Automated creation of test cases: Efficient testing made easy

Generate precise and complete test cases from existing requirements. For various industries and workflows, increases efficiency and quality in test management.

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Automated creation of work items via chatbot: efficient customer service support

Automated collection of information when dealing with customer enquiries and error reports

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Document import and work item creation: automation through OCR

Extraction of content from scanned documents and automated transfer to work items.

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Effortless requirements engineering: a revolution in requirements management


With this solution, even users with little prior knowledge can create high-quality requirements, and teams can manage cross-domain requirements more efficiently. The use of AI for quality checking and optimisation revolutionises requirements engineering by ensuring precise, clear and verifiable requirements.

30 day free trial

Automated creation of test cases: Efficient testing made easy

Automated test case creation significantly simplifies the testing process by generating precise and complete test cases from existing requirements. This solution saves time, reduces errors and ensures that all aspects of a requirement are tested. Thanks to its modularity and adaptability, it is suitable for various industries and workflows, which significantly increases the efficiency and quality of test management.

30 day free trial

Automated creation of work items via chatbot: efficient customer service support


With this solution, even users with little prior knowledge can create high-quality requirements, and teams can manage cross-domain requirements more efficiently. The use of AI for quality checking and optimisation revolutionises requirements engineering by ensuring precise, clear and verifiable requirements.

30 day free trial

Document import and work item creation: automation through OCR

Document import with OCR technology revolutionises the processing of PDFs, PNGs and JPEGs by enabling fully automated capture and conversion of document content into work items. This feature saves time, reduces errors and improves efficiency in handling scanned documents by providing seamless integration into existing workflows.

30 day free trial


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